Asha Singh Private ITI Provide facilities include lecture halls with modern amenities, a perfect class environment, a well stocked library, a new age computer, state-of- the-art laboratories and well furnished class rooms. The college enables multifaceted development of the students in an atmosphere of congeniality and strict discipline. Practical imparts quality education and professional training to the students to horn their professional skills
1- Workshop fitter area: As per DGET norms
2- Workshop electrician area: As per DGET norms
3- Sheet metal area: As per DGET norms
4- No. of class room: As per DGET norms
5- Lathe machine with advance technology
6- Drill machine
7- Grinding machine
8- Welding Set
9- 100% abibility of tools & precise equipment for each trade as per DGET norms
10- Individual tools Almirah
11- Library including industrial book as well as other books
12- Guest Lecture Room